Referring Providers

We accept out of state prescriptions!
Patients who need therapy but have cardiac concerns, we are able to monitor during their therapy sessions. This service is free of charge for the patient.
Prescriptions are only good for 90 days from the date of the prescription so if the patient begins late a new prescription will be needed to complete the original request.
We will fax the Plan of Care, every fifth visit and at discharge. If you have requested cardiac monitoring, a Session Report will be included with all faxed documents.
A signature and date by the referring provider is required for the Plan of Care and every 10th visit. This is per Medicare and all other insurances. Without this the patient can be responsible for their entire bill.
If you wish the patient to continue therapy beyond the original prescription, there is an option on the bottom of the faxed documents for you to request additional therapy. This is legal as long as a signature and date are present.
If you have a specific protocol, fax the information and it will be followed.
We are strict in adherence to all rules, laws and guidelines to keep you, ourselves and the patient in compliance.
Any questions, concerns or further instruction can be addressed by:
Telephone: (863) 314-9991
Fax: (863) 314-0057
Address: RJB Rehab, Inc.
5901 U.S. Highway 27 South, Suite 10
Sebring, FL 33870-2117